CSLA Institute Board of Standards

The CSLP Program.
Simplify Student Loan Advising

The financial professional's ultimate system for learning how to advise clients about the smartest way to manage their student debt.

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Includes updates for 2024 Rules


Grow your financial service business with student loan consulting services

Support from subject matter experts

Retain long-term clients for annual student loan reviews


CSLP 100-2.0

A deep dive into the student loan repayment plans: Direct/Non-direct loan types, Parent plus, consolidations, Interest capitalization, amortization, SAVE program, PAYE, ICR, IBR programs, the MPN, deferment and forbearance, and private loans.

Heather Jarvis, JD 122

CSLP 200-2.0

This module contains advanced material such as the effects of delinquency and default, loan forgiveness and discharge, IDR forbearance, PSLF, getting account adjustments, and the recommended student loan case intake process.

Heather Jarvis, JD 43

CSLP 300-2.0

This module covers advising in profession specific situations: MDs, Nurses, Attorneys, Teachers, Business owners and dentists. More information on retirement and student loans, using insurance, employee and employer benefit programs, and tax prep.

Jantz Hoffman, MBA 100

CSLP 400-2.0

The module focuses on specific case examples of the advising process. For example: the undergrad borrower and SAVE; PSLF and married borrowers comparing options with PAYE and IBR; SAVE v. IBR Interest subsidy calculation; consolidations.

Jantz Hoffman, MBA 95

Helping over 1000+ students

See what financial professionals have to say about the CSLP Program.

Best Decision Ever

Choosing to get my CSLP® was one of my best decisions. I had been helping clients with student loans for about 4 years before I knew about the CSLP program and I thought I pretty much knew it all. I learned so much from this program and it has helped me to help so many more people. I have gained many new clients who found me by searching the database on the website. This certification has been a game changer and highly recommend it to all advisors. It does not matter what type of client you work with, almost everyone has a student loan, a child with a loan or a friend with a loan. This definitely brings value to the relationship.

Jennifer Prosise, CFP, CRES, MBA

In-depth Education

The CSLP® courses give us tools and in-depth education to provide clear and objective solutions to borrowers. Mastering this information gives us a competitive edge in a very competitive market. More importantly, this skill set empowers us to do good. Our purpose as financial advisors is to help our clients get to where they want to be. We simply cannot do that without helping them to tackle their biggest concern – their student loan debt.

Patricia Hughes, CFP, CPA

CSLP Program and Community are Indispensable

The CSLP® program enabled me to dramatically increase my knowledge of student loan planning. It has allowed me to effectively deliver student loan planning advice to clients and my friends. Since I finished the program, I've found the CSLA community forum to be indispensable in helping me when I didn't have the answer. I believe you need to obtain your education from the CSLA Institute in order to be able to deliver top-notch student loan planning advice to those you serve.

Jason Pollen, CFP

Understand Student Loan Complexity

The CSLP® program helped me understand all the complexities of student loans, and more importantly, how to tie them all together. By taking a systematic, scaffolded approach, I was able to go from the basic knowledge I had, to the incredibly complicated scenarios we so often see. This has put me in a position to help millions of clients who are often seeking student loan advice and find there aren't enough advisors with the expertise to help them. I'm extremely happy with the training and the ongoing updates, and would recommend it to anyone who seeks to serve clients who have student loans.

Ryan Frailich, CFP

The CSLP Program

Simplify the process of advising clients with student loans

The definitive student loan advising program for financial professionals